2 v 2 Dropfleet Match. Scourge/Scourge vs PHR/Shaltari

Our FLGS is doing a 40k doubles tournament coming up and people have been prepping by doing doubles matches. We had one newcomer to Dropfleet so we decided to do a doubles match of dropfleet. 4x6 table. Moon in the middle. One civilian liner. a few clusters and space stations. Did activations normally by SR number. A 4 player game is going to be longer by nature but the moon tend to split up the armies at times. At those times we activated some players early if it wasn't going effect anything negatively. A few notes. Getting used to PHR. Ganymede, Bellerophon both worked well. Pandora group did their job. Ajax didn't end up doing anything, but that might have been the double-teaming from two manticores. Heracles's Dark Matter cannon was fun but his broadsides were disappointing.